Category: Parenting

I Should Be Okay But I’m Not

What follows is a deeply personal series of posts for National Stuttering Awareness Week describing my ongoing adjustment to parenting a son who stutters. Publicly sharing my experience is part of my effort to process this seldom discussed phase in the through life stuttering journey and an attempt to spotlight mental health awareness month, which

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Reflection: Every Waking Moment Book Club, Fall 2023

In September, the ever-passionate speech-language pathologist Dr. Ana Paula Mumy and I launched the third iteration of the Every Waking Moment Book Club. This running, the three-session club was tailored to school, private, and clinical-based SLPs, and was eligible for continuing education credit. We had 20 SLPs who showed up eager to participate and dive into the

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Letting Go of Control: My Reaction to His Stutter in Public

This is the fifth post in a series on parenting a child who stutters as an adult who stutters. For context, I’ve worked hard to achieve my own personal version of self-acceptance of my stutter, and, therefore, may hold different perspectives on how best to support my son’s journey. I offer my story and that

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I Have A Son Who Stutters: Acceptance as a Parent Who Stutters

This is the third post in a series on parenting a child who stutters as an adult who stutters. For context, I’ve worked hard to achieve my own personal version of self-acceptance of my stutter, and, therefore, may hold different perspectives on how best to support my son’s journey. I offer my story and that

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My Only Sunshine: Our Reactions to Stuttering

This is the second post in a series on parenting a child who stutters as an adult who stutters. For context, I’ve worked hard to achieve my own personal version of self-acceptance of my stutter, and, therefore, may hold different perspectives on how best to support my son’s journey. I offer my story and that

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